Bowenwork for Animals

Darci is proud and excited to offer Touch Balancing Animal Bowen at her office. This type of therapy is a variation of the Bowenwork® technique adapted to the physiology and anatomy of animals. She really enjoys working with animals. That is why she became a veterinarian in the first place. Finding this therapy has provided her with a very unique and beneficial way to work with animals and help them to feel better. Animal Bowen adds many benefits to the health and well-being of all animals. Applied correctly to the anatomy of our pets, the Animal Bowen technique is as dynamic for the animal’s innate healing mechanisms as it is for humans. Animal Bowen is a minimally invasive, highly relaxing and low stress therapy that compliments conventional and alternative veterinary care. The subtle, gentle moves allow work to be done on even a stressed, painful or anxious animal. This is an important advantage of Animal Bowen.

For more detailed information on how Bowen therapy works, please see the How does it work? Bowenwork section.

Known benefits of Animal Bowen include improvements in general health by increasing lymph and blood circulation and tissue metabolism, thereby enhancing elimination of toxins and decreasing inflammation. Also, it works to relieve muscle spasms, improve muscle tone and aid with flexibility and range of motion. It can help to speed rehabilitation after surgery or physical injury. Animals that are moving poorly become freer with their gait. This is especially beneficial for performance dogs. Darci is continually amazed by how well animals respond to this type of therapy.

Below is a list of a few conditions that have shown improvement with Touch Balancing Animal Bowen.

Animal Health Conditions

Musculo-skeletal pain conditions (back, hip, knee, shoulder and neck pain included)
Recovery after surgery
Recovery after injury/trauma
Thunderstorm phobia
Anxiety conditions