
Bowen Therapy Center offers Bowenwork®, a neuromuscular therapy for people seeking relief from pain or injury. Whether you need help with your newly sprained ankle or that nagging tightness in your back, we welcome everyone. Bowenwork is renowned for its effectiveness in stimulating true healing from within the brain. The Bowenwork touch is so gentle it’s safe for anyone to receive. The healing is so powerful it can have a beneficial effect on every area of your body.

Bowen Therapy Center also offers Touch Balancing Animal Bowen, an adaptation of the Bowenwork technique, to help animals heal from injury or chronic illness.

Our mission is to provide gentle and effective healthcare in a safe and relaxing environment.

Bowenwork® Therapy

Bowenwork is a unique approach to stimulating the body’s natural healing ability.



Bowenwork for Children

The gentleness of the Bowenwork touch makes it an ideal bodywork therapy for children.



Bowen for Animals

The Bowenwork technique has been adapted for animals as a gentle touch therapy that helps restore and maintain balance.



Darci Swenson, DVM, RBT
Certified Bowen Therapy Practitioner
Phone: 1-920-228-0833
Address: 215 N. Main Street
Seymour, WI 54165